girl after getting cryo facial


Cryotherapy promotes the production of collagen within the inner layers of the skin enabling a smoother, firmer and glowing skin. This helps in maintaining a youthful appearance by reducing the signs of ageing such as fine lines, blemishes and wrinkles.
A number of ingredients in over-the-counter treatments may help your skin appear more youthful, but it’ll take time. You may see improvement within a few months. But you shouldn't expect to look like you’ve stepped out of a time machine. What will work best for you will depend on your skin, and the results you're trying to get. Hydroquinone, an over-the-counter drug that can bleach your skin, may fade dark spots. Retinoids may make your skin tone more even. One study says vitamin C helps fade age spots when you use it for 12 weeks. Kojic acid a chemical that's often used as an skin-whitening ingredient in products can do it, too.